The Lonely Life of End Table Bob

Bob had spent most of his adult life trying to convince his friends, family and even total strangers that he was not an end table. By the time his 45th Birthday rolled around he was pretty sure he’d managed to convince them all of this irrefutable fact. Unfortunately his birthday party proved him wrong.

His cousin Ellen tried to hide underneath him when she thought it was supposed to be a surprise party.

When he unwrapped his gifts, he found that he had received 8 sets of coasters, 2 coffee table books, and a can of Endust.

He knew it was all for naught when they tried to cut the cake on his lap.

As he cried quietly to himself in a corner, his wife of 17 years absently tried to put her drink on his head. He snatched it away, downed it in a single gulp…and shuffled off to bed.

Author: Tbinns

Tony is a stand up comedian. Tony is a writer. Tony is a sketch comedian. Tony defines himself by what he does. This is due to poor self esteem. He is horribly opinionated and prone to boogers.

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