Transparent Roses

a short sketch about domesticity and time travel by Dawn Dumont

Erin: Why are the dishes still in the sink?

Todd: Umm…I thought you were going to do them.

Erin: Before I left, I distinctly said – “Do the dishes, Todd, its your turn.”

Todd: Oh, I didn’t hear you.

Erin: Yes you did. Because then I said to you, “Did you hear me?” And you said, “Yes, I heard you.”

Todd: Oh well, then sorry.

Erin: I don’t want sorry. I want clean dishes.

Todd: I can’t right now.

Erin: You’re playing video games!

Todd: Erin, remember when we were talking about the difference between asking and bossing?

Erin: They smell! Why didn’t you do them?!!

Todd: Do you want me to build a time machine? Cuz I will build a time machine.

Erin: You don’t know how to build a time machine. You didn’t even pass grade 11 physics.

Todd: There you go. Now I just built a time machine.

Erin: No you didn’t.

Todd: You shouldn’t have goaded me. Now I’ve destroyed the space time continuum.

Erin: Why are the dishes still dirty then?

Todd: Because I did the dishes – and then you dirtied them again. So now its your turn to do them.

Erin: Wrong. Cuz I stole your time machine and did them and then you dirtied them making it your turn again. And I also slept with Jack.

Todd: Why did you do that?

Erin: Because you didn’t do the dishes!

Todd: But Jack has herpes. Now we both have herpes.

Erin: No, I went to the future where they have the cure and I brought it back for us.

Todd: That was nice of you.

Erin: I’m not giving you the cure until you do the dishes.

Todd: Well. I do not respond to blackmail.

Erin: Thats not blackmail.

Todd: Bribery?

Erin: Kind of.

Todd: Doesn’t matter. I just went to the future and plant a car bomb in your car.

Erin: I just removed it and put it in your car.

Todd: I went to the past and killed your family cat.

Erin: Ryley! He got hit by a car.

Todd: No, I strangled him with my bare hands. Then I threw him in front of that car.

Erin: You’re sick. Wait, I just killed your grandfather.

Todd: Poppy! Not Poppy! He wore suspenders!

Erin: Oh get over it. I killed him only 10 seconds before he was gonna die anyway. And I used a down-filled pillow.

Todd: Still, its the principle! I’m so sorry Pappy.

Erin: Do the dishes and I’ll go back and stop myself.

Todd: I killed you.

Erin: When?

Todd: Two hours before we met.

Erin: Asshole!

Todd: Then I went back and stopped myself from killing you. I said, “She’s not worth it Todd.” And I agreed.

Erin: I can’t believe you killed me. Fuck. You know my mother always said you were the type to kill me.

Todd: I’m sorry.

Erin: (Sniffs.)

Todd: I said I was sorry.

Erin: Couldn’t you have at least brought me flowers?

Todd: I did.

Erin: Where are they then?

Todd: Right in front of you. They are invisible flowers. I invented them in year 2135.

Erin: What would be the point of…?

Todd: In time, you will understand.

Erin: I think we should see other people.

Todd: Why? We’re going to get back together anyway. I’ll go back in time, do the dishes, stop myself from killing your cat and then invent the I-Pod and then we’ll move to Borneo so you can study borneo wildlife like you always wanted.

Erin: Cool, then I’m gonna take a nap.

Author: Tbinns

Tony is a stand up comedian. Tony is a writer. Tony is a sketch comedian. Tony defines himself by what he does. This is due to poor self esteem. He is horribly opinionated and prone to boogers.

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