Tbinns TV
For those who don’t know, which I have to assume is all of you because if you DID know you are taking WAY too much interest in my personal life, I am in the process of developing a half hour comedy show. I’ll spare you the painful details about how many times I’ve had to rethink the concept owing to being beaten to the punch, but I believe I’ve hit on something that works now. We’ll leave it at that. I have a producer attached, who got us a little funding to write a pilot, and then, something rather marvelous happened.
Our project got accepted into the NSI Totally Television Program. NSI, in a nutshell is a non profit organization dedicated to developing Canadian film and television. They flew me and my producer out to Toronto and we did a week long TV boot camp…working with story editors, getting the basics of structure, learning to pitch, and even setting up very educational chats with writing agents, executive producers and broadcasters. It was an invaluable experience that I will treasure even if the show goes nowhere else.
In short, NSI Rules and I cannot thank them enough. Check them out for yourself here.
Being in such a creative environment, it was inevitable that I would come up with a number of concepts for new tv shows. Every one of which is a complete winner, I’m sure. Because I always think of you fondly, Oh Loyal Correct, I’m offering you a sneak peak of my genius which will no doubt be on a TV screen near you soon. Enjoy…
Reasonable Gout – a one hour procedural that takes place in a law office. The lawyers are the very best in the city… but they make poor dietary choices and have a pronounced limp.
Goin’ Down! – A hilarious half hour sit com that takes place in the world trade centre during 9\11.
TED: Man, I’m late… I have a plane to catch
EDNA: (Looking out the window) Is it that one?
(Cue laugh track)
The Aaron Sorkin Show – a great new talk show where Aaron and his celebrity guests wander through hallways talking very quickly. Guests rarely get a word in edgewise.
Nobody Puts Baby in a Coroner – A New CSI Style crime procedural starring Jennifer Grey. In the pilot episode, she solves the mystery of who killed her career.
Casey Anthony Daycare Nightmare – A Reality show that follows Casey Anthony around as she tries to put the past behind her, avoid vigilante justice, and follow her dream of opening a daycare that caters exclusively to clients who don’t like their children.
HA HA!! LOOK! MIDGETS!!! – TLC finally comes right out and says what they mean. First step in a network wide rebranding from TLC to TMC (The Midget Channel)
Anne Hathaway Eats a Popsicle – Very slowly. A new flavour every week. Spike TV has already shown some interest in this one.

"Wait a minute, you are telling me it's either the popsicle thing, or Bride Wars 2? Some agent you are. I'll take the popsicle thing."
Extreme Couponing – SURPRISE!!!! I DIDN’T MAKE THIS ONE UP!!
Keep Calm and Carry Naan – A new sit-com starring Russell Peters as a waiter in a Toronto Indian restaurant who gets to make all those jokes white people like, but technically aren’t allowed to make.
One Guy, Two Girls, a Pizza Place and One Cup : Do not order the soft serve. Ever.
So there it is…my future television empire. and you wanted to cancel your cable. Pshaw! PSHAW I SAY!!