Hannigate: Or Why I am a Huge Jerk
You have no idea how much it pains me to admit this. Trust me, I don’t like it any more than you do. But last night I found I could deny this no more and I had to come right out and say it.
Alyson Hannigan, adorable though she may be…
is not such a great actress.
This hurts me deeply, One of the reasons I first asked out my wife was that she reminded me of Alyson Hannigan. I am not debating cuteness at this juncture. But I feel I must state once again that Alyson is to acting what Dane Cook is to comedy, which is to say very successful in spite of not being very good at it.
I never watched Buffy, I’m sure it was awesome that her character turned into a bi sexual witch. I only ever saw American Pie once. Most of my exposure to her is through How I Met Your Mother, a show which is Legen (Wait for it, I hope you are not allergic to milk products because the next word is ) DERY.
But like Jerry Seinfeld before her she is consistently out acted by a talented cast her own show. Even Ted, the straight man gets more laughs out of me than she does. EVERYTHING SHE SAYS comes off wooden and artificial, like she’s reading a script. Every emotion seems forced, every moment canned. I was in denial for ages…”Awww but look at her” I’d say “She’s adorable! No, she’s not a bad actress, her lines are awkward, it’s not her fault…she’ll find her rhythm.” We are in season, what, 5 now? She still comes off like Keanu Reeve’s slightly less wooden sister.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s not January Jones on SNL bad, but she is the weak link in that cast without question. She’s got charisma to spare, but something about those line readings sound like …well…line readings. It kind of works when playing an uber shy nerd girl in American Pie, but as a confident adult it just rings false.
Maybe she would have went to Drama Camp instead of Band Camp.
Awww you see? I feel like a complete asshole for saying that, like I’m kicking a puppy.
You know what, I take it all back. She’s great. I’m sorry Alyson, I’m just a huge jerk.

Go Ahead. Say something mean to that face. I dare you.
admin_rock said on 16-03-2010
No, a huge jerk would have posted a picture of Ted, or Marshall. You’re doing juuuuust fine.
Ringo said on 16-03-2010
I know exactly the amount you wrote there about her. However, LOOK AT HER!!!
Peace & Love,
NotVictoria said on 18-03-2010
Sorry I have to disagree there Mr.Binns I am in the middle of a huge Buffy craze right now and she is doing just fine in the year 2002. As an Avid hater of sitcoms I ask you when has a woman ever been funny in a sitcom? Never, they are always hot with forced lines…not to mention she is working alongside NPH.
Very few women are hot and genuinely funny…(I am a rarity) and if she is “make you laugh” funny it is scientifically proven her hotness stats go down.
Tbinns said on 18-03-2010
I will counter all of your arguments with two simple words: Tina Fey
I want to go to there.
NotVictoria said on 18-03-2010
Sketch Comedy doesn’t count…I am going in the world of sitcoms here…and when I mean sitcoms I mean terribly bad sitcoms with a laugh track….cause I totally have a girl-crush on Jamie Presley.
Barroness said on 31-03-2010
You are correct, sir! Her performances always leave me wanting more. Not more of her, just more substance. Something. Anything! But, no. Not quite as appalling as Andy McDowell (who should be relegated to acting in shampoo commercials), but still unnecessarily vapid and 2D. Not being a Buffy acolyte, I normally wouldn’t have taken not of her at all save that I have a certain soft spot for the “gingers” of this world.
See M. Roach’s “Roots of Desire: The Myth, Meaning and Sexual Power of Red Hair” http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=2-1582343446-1