Open Letter to Q107

Might as well go for a so what?
Dear Q107,
I am a big classic rock fan, and I enjoy your station very much…most of the time..I understand you have Canadian content laws, I get it. It helps Canadian artists. I’m all for that.
It is my distinct pleasure to inform you that there are other Canadian artists besides Kim Mitchell. You might have heard of a three piece out of Toronto calling themselves “Rush”. There were these guys called “The Guess Who” who were pretty big for awhile. My friend saw a band called “The Tragically Hip” once, said they were pretty good.
My point here is that my “Living Loving Maid” buzz is constantly being crushed under the weight of “Might as well go for a soda.” If I may clarify still further…
I for one do not give a shit whether or not he is a wild party, nor how pretty the fucking patio lanterns are, the man does not deserve anywhere NEAR the amount of airplay you give him. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it could be worse, it could be Nickleback (Thank you for not playing them, by the way. I do appreciate that.) but is there really such a thing as a KIM MITCHELL FAN? I mean besides your programmers there?
Who lists Kim Mitchell in there musical influences? Is there anyone without a mullet who even owns a Kim Mitchell record?
He has a syndicated radio show, is that why you play him constantly? He’s a buddy of yours? Alice Cooper also has a (really good) radio show at night. You aren’t playing Alice Cooper constantly.
This is a serious problem for me. The amount of Kim Mitchell you play makes me openly wish you’d play more Trooper. Never in my life did I EVER feel that I would utter the phrase “Geez, I could really stand to hear some Trooper right about now” and yet here I am. ASKING FOR MORE TROOPER. That is what it has come to. I’d rather listen to Trooper. Now I need a shower.
I am not now, nor have I ever been a drinker, I appreciate the sentiment behind Might As Well Go for a Soda, but that doesn’t mean I need to hear it EVERY DAY!!! And lets face it, it’s not exactly poetry is it? I mean Springsteen and Dylan aren’t exactly glancing over their shoulders, are they?