H1 – Flames 2
(ED: Normally, The Correctness avoids direct commentary on matters of a political nature, as we feel our audience understands that most politicians are dummies, but in this case we couldn’t resist.)
According to the media, The Calgary Flames players,staff, and families were able to arrange a private clinic to receive H1N1 vaccinations, while the unwashed masses had to line up, and are now waiting for clinics to re-open. We might be able to understand this if they had a bunch of appointments to show off the Stanley Cup, but that hasn’t been a problem for 2 decades.

Hooray, we're immune to H1N1
Perhaps their plan to succeed involves winning games by default as other teams fall victim to H1N1. Perhaps it was a plot by local high-end retailers, concerned that a prolonged flu sweeping through the team would cause the player’s wives to miss their weekly shopping trips. Or perhaps the bar for celebrity in Calgary is now so low that a team that has been so very average for so very long that Calgarians demanded this.
More likely, another example of Alberta Health Services “policy”, which is apparently being set by a room full of 15 year olds hopped up on Cherry Dr Pepper, rolling d20s to see what the next policy will hold. “Today’s high risk groups will be (shake shake roll) Seniors, Mechanics, and Bugbears.”
None of us would be slightly surprised if AHS came out with a press release stating that flu shots would now be administered in alleyways in the downtown core. Speaking of which, I suspect there are some dealers out there who could have handled this rollout without breaking a sweat. Sure, we’d be sharing needles, and instead of waiting 15 minutes after your shot to go, you’d have to hang out on the couch with 2 big dudes named Spike and G2, while the “care giver” admonishes you for your lack of interest in early Stones tracks, but I bet everyone would get what they needed.
The Correctness wonders if the Flu fiasco in Canada and the USA will be the final proof that politicians are a bunch of lunkheads who don’t really know more than you or I, and need a swift kick in the pants, votin’ style. We haven’t seen this kind of failure on the health front since Beatlemania ran wild. Folks, if they can’t even handle rolling out some shots to the public, what makes us think they can hold back the inevitable zombie hordes?