A Word about all this “Tbinnsing” Nonsense.
Tbinnsing – (verb) The act of gratuitously posting pictures of attractive actresses/models in articles for the express purpose of ogling shamelessly, with only the barest of connections to the topic at hand. (Orig. AdminRock)
It has recently come into vogue to turn my handle into the aforementioned verb. I think that is painting me with some rather broad strokes, and diminishes some of the work I do around here. This whitewashing makes me out to be some kind of a horrible perv, or worse a 411 mania staff writer, who will post pictures of celebrities going out to get coffee, and make some sort of comment on how tight her jeans are.
I never wanted this to be that kind of a site. I had a dream for this place and it did not involve indulging my Hot Nerdy librarian type fetish…
or arguing about whether or not Felicia Day is” Hot”

For the record, the answer is "yes"
Or Both.
Surely there is more to talk about than that? We have an exciting summer ahead of us for example…We finally have a Green Lantern Movie starring Ryan Reynolds…

who recently divorced her
Thor is due out in a couple of weeks…
Then there’s X-men First Class

Look who's playing Emma Frost!
Not to mention Captain America and next year’s exciting Avengers movie

Cobie Smulders here will be playing a Shield agent
The Correctness does everything from parodies of great works of Literature

Such as the ones that might be found in this collection
To compelling articles comparing the merits of favourite geek shows, like Firefly
Versus Battlestar Galactica
I’ve written stories about about Star Wars

Babe-a Fett

These are totally the droids you are looking for...busy later? Can I buy you some blue milk?
And of course The Superhero Smackdowns
So to suggest that my purpose on this site is just a laundry list of pictures of my favourite celebrity crushes
is insulting and demeaning. And let’s face it , it’s not exactly respectful to women is it? To just paint them as sex objects and completely ignore the fact that they are professionals and human beings. Some of them brilliant award winning comedy writers…
Some of them Race Car Drivers
Some of them professional athletes.
In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere desire that I not be pigeon holed in this fashion and like the many women who are demeaned by this behavior, I hope that all my hard work does not simply become equated with smutty adolescent fantasies.

like this one
Also…Mila Kunis.
Tbinnsing as a verb must stop immediately. Thank you for your time an attention. I hope you’ll join me over the coming weeks as I post more humorous correctness articles like “Who is the Hottest Lesbian In Hollywood Today”

and “Here Are Some Pictures Of Girls I Found”
Thank you for your attention in this matter.