My Top Ten Favorite Album Covers

My Top Ten Favorite Album Covers

I think cover art is the one single thing I miss most about albums. Nowadays, even if you do but a CD it’s just as likely to be a picture of the artist looking hot/cool/tough etc. When you were first getting into music, don’t you remember pouring over album covers, studying every nuance? Trying to see if it tied in with the album in some thematic way?

Just me?

You were out touching the opposite sex were you?

Fair enough. Me…not so much

So with that in mind here are of 10 Album covers I remember loving as a pre-teen non female touching nerd.

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Open Letter to Q107

Open Letter to Q107

Dear Q107,

I am a big classic rock fan, and I enjoy your station very much…most of the time..I understand you have Canadian content laws, I get it. It helps Canadian artists. I’m all for that.
It is my distinct pleasure to inform you that there are other Canadian artists besides Kim Mitchell. You might have heard of a three piece out of Toronto calling them selves “Rush”. There were these guys called “The Guess Who” who were pretty big for awhile. My friend saw a band called “The Tragically Hip” once, said they were pretty good.

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The Lyric Letters

The Lyric Letters

Dear Joe Jackson

If you have indeed seen gorillas walking with pretty women down your street perhaps you should be less concerned about who your ex is dating and more concerned about calling the Animal Control people.



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Ziggy Stardust and the Spider from Malaysia

Ziggy Stardust and the Spider from Malaysia


According to the Correctness’s sources scientists have discovered a new species of spider in Malaysia and named it after David Bowie.

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Jesus: The Rolling Stone Interview

Jesus: The Rolling Stone Interview

Talk about your comeback tours. Even the Stones or Kiss would have trouble after a millennium, but Jesus is back, in a big way.

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The Deus Ex Beatle Motivation

The Deus Ex Beatle Motivation


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