Suck Our New Look! And Attitude!

Suck Our New Look! And Attitude!



How do you like our new look, suckbuggies? Are you sucking about towne in your suckbuggy thinking “Holy Nutmothers! This new look is badass!”

Well, you can park your suckbuggy on ‘Nad Valley Road and Taint boulevard, because our new look is so in your face, it’s a moisturizer! Made of poop! That’s a poopsturizer, you grape-enablers.

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Missing Expo and Avengers

Missing Expo and Avengers

Well, due to powers out of our control, there was no Smackdown panel at Calgary Expo this year. We’re looking at returning for next year, and also possibly one or two cons in the USA this year (more as it develops). So instead, some of Admin_Rock’s Expo adventures…


I had booth for my Brickwares Lego stuff, it looked like this.
Brickwares Booth

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Chicken Soup for the Soup: A Nostalgickish Father/Son Parable

Chicken Soup for the Soup: A Nostalgickish Father/Son Parable


When I was a young boy, my father was always giving well timed and meaningful advice. When I was first learning to ride my bike, he turned to me and said “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”, and I knew that he meant if I wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up it would be okay with him. On another occasion, as I was dealing with a bully, he leaned down and whispered in my ear “Do you think you could take your old man in a drinking contest?” and I knew that he meant I should follow a path of non-violent resistance.

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The Art of Timing

The Art of Timing

(ed: SPOILER WARNING – This article makes reference to plot events from “The Walking Dead”.)


Last week, we posted an episode review from a show from the future. As the primary author, I had written the bulk of it, and then asked RobbieRobTown to have a look at it, to see if he had any insight or notes. The article was mostly my effort to recreate that feeling you get when you see people obsessively carrying on about something you’re completely unfamiliar with. In the midst of the article, I decided to add one specific outright joke.

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Primaries and Super Tuesday Explained!

Primaries and Super Tuesday Explained!

A lot of our twelve readers have been asking us: “Hey, can you Canucks at The Correctness explain Super Tuesday to us? It makes no sense”. Well, rest assured, the two or so of you that are still reading, we have done extensive research and we are now ready to explain not just Super Tuesday, but the primaries in general.

Webster’s dictionary defines “primary”- I don’t feel I need to go on, if you want a definition, go look it up.

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5 Ways the Star Wars Prequels were better than 4-6

5 Ways the Star Wars Prequels were better than 4-6

I read this article in which the author attempts to defend the political shrewdness of Star Wars Episodes 1-3 over 4-6…


which comes off like a debate student charged with defending an unpopular topic. He attempts to draw parallels between the post 9-11 world and the world of the prequels. As Phantom Menace came out in 1999, and Attack of the Clones was well in to production by the time 9/11 happened, this is a bit laughable.

But it got me to thinking: Is there any ground on which one COULD claim superiority of the Prequels?

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