Response to the Gandalf Article
Over at, they’ve posted a wonderful article in response to our “10 reasons why Gandalf is a terrible wizard.”
Unlike the responses over at fark (which are usually much better, this time they felt unenthusiastic), they go beyond the “U R SUCK” level, and actually engage in a debate about the topic, adding some reasons why Gandalf is a great wizard.
Thus, in the spirit of debate and discourse, we implore you to head over and read
Correctness Smackdown Awesome Undercard: Gandalf vs. Santa Claus
Dearest Correctness Readers:
Due to recent concerns about certain members of our writing team and their certain problem with a certain kick-ass wizard, it behooves us, nay, it behooves ME, your faithful master of the undercard, to write a fair fight for a maligned magician.
Today’s undercard pits two white bearded old men against each other in a battle to the death for the love of humanity. In this corner, over by your start button, (or for those of you more civilized, over by your finder icon in your dock) is Gandalf The Grey/White, Wizard King of the Lollipop Guild and whatnot! In this corner (if I understand the placement of competitors in wrestling or boxing correctly, and therefore somewhere over by your search window, or by a post-it note of who to call when your Dell crashes), is Santa Claus, Jolly Fat Greed Bringer!
Let’s meet our two warriors and see who truly is the beardiest battler!
10 Reasons why Gandalf is a terrible wizard
Admin_Rock isn’t one to stand on ceremony or suffer fools lightly. He says what he thinks, and he’s Correct. Today, 10 reasons why Gandalf is a terrible wizard. What’s that? You thought he was an awesome wizard? Put the bong down, turn off the Pink Floyd, and step into the current decade. School is now in session.
RobbieRobTown and the Curse of the Alphabetical Ladies
Hello Correctoids.
As you know, I maintain my own twitter feed, @RobbieRobTown, on which I occasionally tweet thoughts of tremendous importance. However, one such incident resulted in an inexplicable hack of my account… I think… Allow me to explain.
I tweeted the following:
“In Green Lantern Rebirth, they chase Parallelogram back into that big lantern on Oprah. Does that mean they have to fear The Colour Purple?”
8 Simple Rules for Making a Superman Movie
an Open Letter to Zack Snyder
Dear Zack
You would think it would be the easiest thing in the world to get right, but no one has made a decent Superman movie since the early 80’s. (It’s a fact of SCIENCE!!) Everyone knows what Superman does. Everyone knows what he’s like. And yet, know one seems to be able to get it right. Well The Correctness is here to help, so pay attention …