The Correctness at Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo
Just a quick post to let our Calgary and Area fans that The Correctness will be making a rare live appearance at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo this year. More info as it arrives, but at this point we’re anticipating doing a Live Smackdown.
Live “Accurate” Election Coverage! Smackdown Undercard Style!
Good news Correctness Fans!
While our American friends are busy watching the same 45 seconds of footage of a bloody mattress in Pakistan tonight, I am dedicating myself to bring you live Canadian election coverage. I’m ready, I bought a bunch of snacks n’ shit. You can get all of your news right here at the I assure you, great pains will be taken to be as accurate as I always am. I am legendarily accurate. Lots of people know me as the accurate source of the Green Lantern origin story, and now you can all get to know me as a trusted news source. A lot of you followed my gripping updates on Valentine’s Day, and I can only hope to keep you just as engaged as I did then…
Canadian Politics Explained
For Our American, or Apathetic Canadian Readers.
Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world…not because of our leadership but rather in spite of it. We have an election coming up. In the states, these occur every four years. In Canada we have one every four weeks it seems. So as a helpful guide to this quagmire of accusation and cronyism, the Correctness is pleased to present the Coles notes version of the mess we are currently in
A Word about all this “Tbinnsing” Nonsense.
Tbinnsing – (verb) The act of gratuitously posting pictures of attractive actresses/models in articles for the express purpose of ogling shamelessly, with only the barest of connections to the topic at hand. (Orig. AdminRock)
It has recently come into vogue to turn my handle into the aforementioned verb. I think that is painting me with some rather broad strokes, and diminishes some of the work I do around here. This whitewashing makes me out to be some kind of a horrible perv, or worse a 411 mania staff writer, who will post pictures of celebrities going out to get coffee, and make some sort of comment on how tight her jeans are.
I never wanted this to be that kind of a site. I had a dream for this place and it did not involve indulging my Hot Nerdy librarian type fetish…
Cannot stop playing Minecraft. It is pure evil in computer game format.
(not mine…found on net)
Games like Dragon Age and Fallout, hell even Civilization think they’re all addictive and such, but they have no idea of the insidiousness that is tunneling through the darkness towards them.
I now fall asleep with stone bursting in my head, and the faint hissing sound of certain doom around the corner SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS