
The Correctness is expanding once again! Don’t worry folks, it’s not like a West Coast Avengers thing. We’ve added to our staff in a few ways. First off, our intrepid Cub Reporter Keith (@CubReporterK on twitter) has his own byline now, so you may be seeing a few more articles by him popping up.

In addition to that, The Correctness has agreed to take part in the Summer Intern program offered through Mount Royal University here in Calgary, and we’re pleased (maybe) to announce that we have our very own intern. Please welcome Benji Halverson (Intern_Benji) to The Correctness. He’ll be tasked with things like writing some “insider” articles, to give folks a feel for what things are like here in the office, as well as improving the air flow through the bullpen, and maybe sorting through the stacks of comics etc, and organizing things for us.

Welcome everyone!

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Verdict Motivation

Verdict Motivation

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Tbinns’ Top Ten Favorite Rock Instrumentals

Tbinns’ Top Ten Favorite Rock Instrumentals

Dear The Correct…go get your headphones and meet me back here in five.

Oh good, you’re back!

This was a tough one to narrow down. As a Prog Rock fan there are tons to choose from, but after much thinking and humming and hawing I think I found my faves. Again I would like to point out the difference between “The Greatest” and “My Favourites” keep that in mind when you rip me a new one in the comments section. But yes, do let me know what I’ve missed.

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Haiku Story Cycle for the Homophobic Dudes in the Truck who Threatened Me.

I’m out for a walk!
What a perfect night for this.
Lilac in the air.

Oh, shit. Goddamn it.
A truck mounts the curb. Assholes!
Easy to spot them.

Seatbelts unbuckling.
They check for cops and see none.
This looks bad for me.

Truck with a Hemi
That is a big engine, boys.
compensating for…?

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She likes us! She really likes us!

Melissa Skowron over at Creatively Impaired took in the Expo over the weekend and had a great time. Then she put on a pair of roller skates and kicked some ass at the Super Heroines versus Zombies Roller Derby. She was kind enough to drop us a line and give us a shout out in her review of the Expo. (We are mentioned at around the 6 minute mark) She’s new here, and she doesn’t know that generally speaking, she is supposed to insult us. Thanks for the kind words Melissa, and you can check out some of her artwork/comics over at www.thecreativelyimpaired.com.

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The Brand New Magic:The Gathering Correctness Expansion Set Part Two

The Brand New Magic:The Gathering Correctness Expansion Set Part Two

Because the first one was so terribly popular. (I just played my Irony card +2/+2 to all snide remarks.) This time however we have included a few surprises…now you can add the members of The Correctness to your deck! Join us for the exclusive sneak preview that has Magic fans everywhere declaring “Who the fuck are the Correctness?”

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