A Moment with the Red Skull

A Moment with the Red Skull

Saw Captain America last night. Very well done, a not so comic book-y comic book movie. Here’s a deleted scene from late in the film (No Spoilers).


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How “Reign of Doomsday” would end if DC had any balls

How “Reign of Doomsday” would end if DC had any balls

When DC rebooted Superman in 1986 they ended the old version with one of the greatest Superman stories of all time, Alan Moore & Curt Swan’s “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?”

This summer’s Superman arc is about the return of Superman’s murderer, Doomsday who is doing Doomsday-ish stuff to the supporting cast of 1993’s “Reign of the Supermen.”

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First Day on the Job – Benji H.

Hello everyone. My name is Benji Halverson, and I’m the new summer student/intern for The Correctness. I’m a 3rd year student in the Journalism/Communications program at Mount Royal University.

You’re probably curious as to how I was picked for this job. Short answer, I was away when the practicum/internships were being chosen, and it was assigned to me. When I found out a little more about The Correctness, and spent a bit of time reading the site, I went back to my professor and explained that there had been some kind of mistake, that The Correctness isn’t a news site, but he told me it was either this or a job with the Prince Albert Daily Herald. I chose this.

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Chief Defender of the Faith

Chief Defender of the Faith

Planet of the Apes Film Fests

Last year when a friend of mine invited me over to watch a film on his mondo-fantabulous home entertainment setup, he told me to pickup a blu-ray of whatever I wanted for my first HD giant screen experience and I chose the 1968 Planet of the Apes with Chuck Heston. I didn’t have to buy it though, I had purchased the Apes original series blu-ray boxed set months before owning a player.

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Live Appearance

The Correctness will be performing live this Saturday (July 16) at the special Hot Nuts and Popcorn show. We will be performing a skit that is very near and dear to our hearts. Hot Nuts is a great show, and the proceeds from the door are going to help out our buddy Derek pay some legal bills so that he can get back to New Zealand to be with his son. If you’re up to nothing, come on out, and make sure you say hi to us while you’re there!

Hot Nuts and Popcorn
Saturday July 16, 11pm
Loose Moose Theatre
Second floor of the Crossroads Market, 1235 – 26th Ave. S

Also, RobbieRobTown and Admin_Rock will be performing in the show immediately before that, an improvised show called Gorilla Theatre. Same location, 8pm.

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The Ungiving Tree: An Inspirational Tale of Unconditional Love

The Ungiving Tree: An Inspirational Tale of Unconditional Love

The Ungiving Tree

Ungiving Tree

Once there was a tree and she knew a little boy.
She was okay with him-

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