Laugh Track Larry

A short while ago yours truly wrote some sketches and sent them in to a sketch comedy show. They shot a couple of them and I stumbled across one of them today. Please enjoy “Laugh Track Larry” by yours truly, Tbinns.

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Found this story by way of Josh Flanagan at

Basically, some douche who writes for Men’s Health and Maxim took some pics of people in costumes at the New York Comic Con, and made fun of them because they weren’t totally cut.

We here at the The Correctness do our fair share of mockery and castigation, but generally ours is well written and makes an effort. Buddy’s piece is just mean spirited and of crappy quality.


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Action Smackdown: Sarah Connor vs. John McLane

Action Smackdown: Sarah Connor vs. John McLane




This week: It’s Sarah “You’re terminated, mister* (Edited for AMC)” Connor vs. John “Yippiekayaye Marty’s Uncle” McCLane. Who has the most metaphorical balls, and who will face Judgement Day?

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A Terse, Disappointed Review of DC’s new Green Arrow #1

A Terse, Disappointed Review of DC’s new Green Arrow #1

A Terse, Disappointed Review of DC’s new Green Arrow #1

This week, RobieRobTown takes on yet another of the New 52 in the DC Universe! What will he say? Find out below!

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The Correctness 2230: iPhone 134 launches this Bieberbay!

The Correctness 2230: iPhone 134 launches this Bieberbay!

(Ed: This article was found in a copy of The Correctness magazine from RobbieRobTown’s trunk. His car can apparently travel through time, as the magazine is from the year 2230. We’ve presented it untouched.)


Attention Ladies and Gentlemen and Unbeclarebs!!! Exciting news from the South, as the AppleOmniCorp announces the much awaiteb launch of the iPhone 134. Some of you out there were concerneb that this launch was going to be for the 133 G. Well, guess again! It’s a full flebged 134, complete with a grab bag of new features to make even the most bevout Morrisseyist brop it all and heab to the Glomomart!

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Tbinns TV

Tbinns TV

For those who don’t know, which I have to assume is all of you because if you DID know you are taking WAY too much interest in my personal life, I am in the process of developing a half hour comedy show. I’ll spare you the painful details about how many times I’ve had to rethink the concept owing to being beaten to the punch, but I believe I’ve hit on something that works now. We’ll leave it at that. I have a producer attached, who got us a little funding to write a pilot, and then, something rather marvelous happened.

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