7 Tips for “Going Green”
Gas prices are on the rise, and the environment isn’t cleaning itself up. The Correctness feels your pain, and we’re here to help. Today, we present a list of tips and ideas for making your life and home more eco-friendly, so you can feel better about yourself, and help the earth a micro-smidge ( that’s a micro-touch to our American friends!!) while you’re at it!
Gas prices are on the rise, and the environment isn’t cleaning itself up. The Correctness feels your pain, and we’re here to help. Today, we present a list of tips and ideas for making your life and home more eco-friendly, so you can feel better about yourself, and help the earth a micro-smidge ( that’s a micro-touch to our American friends!!) while you’re at it!
The Correctness on Sports
The Correctness on Sports:
Contrary to popular belief, we here at The Correctness are huge sports fans. Because of our unerring expertise, we are frequently bombarded with sports related questions. How does one pole vault one’s shotput? Is Hachidan Kiritsu illegal in Anbo Jitsu, just as Will Riker claims it is? What are the consequences of a ground rule double in quidditch?
Thoughts on Star Wars
Check out this article by Javier Grillo-Marxuach over at i09.com. It’s well written, insightful, and sums up many of my thoughts about Star Wars, and Nerd Culture in general. The growing interest in geek.nerd culture, indeed, it’s mainstreaming through things like “The Big Bang Theory” and the success of superhero films means that things once hidden and inside are now everywhere.
Read more…
Lose 50 pounds in a month the Correctness Way!
Weight loss is all the rage, both here on the net and in real life too! With all the processed, sugar rich foods in the world, and the abundance of fast food, it’s no surprise.
A new book by Tim Ferriss, “The Four Hour Body”, claims to show you how to shed all that unwanted fat by doing things like eating after you wake up, putting icepacks on your neck, and taking cold showers. It also will show you how to prevent fat gain while bingeing, how to increase fat-loss 300% with a few bags of ice and how Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time.
Now you can unlock the secrets of the Correctness Weight Loss program!
Hope Sandwich: Eat, Pray, Love, Eat again…
She stood in the kitchen, looking out across the expanse of the distant jungle valley as the sun rose. Untold millions of dew drops reflected the red glow of a dawn. Time stopped, and ever so slowly, all of her pain, her hatred, her failures began to evaporate just as the mist in the valley floor did. Through the panoramic windows of her incalculably expensive tropical mountain escape, the light from the sun was reaching her, it felt today, for the first time. Today, there was finally purpose, a reason to go on. For the first time in a decade, she awoke to hope. Hope, a feeling she had come to distrust. Had it not been hope that broken her heart? Had it not been hope that had led her to wait for love to seek her out, and not the other way around?
Smackdown Awesome Undercard: Batman vs. Bacon
Meme this, suckers! It’s Batman vs. Bacon!
Batman! Scourge of Gotham’s criminals! Batman! Brilliant single-minded vigilante! Batman! Nananananananana, etc! Nothing is more powerful than The Dark Knight! Except for Bacon, you mouth-breathing primitives. BACON!