The Groundhog Conspiracy
(Note: This is a repost of the original)
by Correctness Guest Correspondent Trevor Campbell
For generations now Man has looked to the seemingly cute & innocent Groundhog to forecast the coming Spring for us, but we have never asked ourselves, at what cost? Have we sold our souls to these little burrowing devils? We all know the tradition, every year on February 2nd citizens of cities, towns & villages alike gather around the hole that leads to the home of their friendly loveable little weather predicting Groundhog. The lazy little dirt-Sloth then waddles out and if he does not see his shadow we can look forward to an early Spring. However, if he does sees his shadow we are doomed to six more weeks of Winter. What powers of prognostication his little earth-Weasel has. And what power over our springtime hopes and dreams we have given them.
Dear Academy Of Motion Picture Blah Blah Blah
(Note: This is a repost of the original).
cough cough BESTSUPPORTINGACTOR cough cough.
Oh, excuse me I’m sorry. Something stuck in my craw, I think…oh..wait
cough coughBESTSCREENPLAYcough cough cough
There, that’s better.
The Correctness Casting Couch: Storm
(Note: This is a repost of the original).
Part 4 in our series in which we deny up and down that it is a piss poor excuse to post pictures of hot actresses. This justification comes from our earnest belief that some of our favorite Comic Book Heroines have been horribly miscast, and we suggest a few alternatives. Today we recast Storm arguably the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe. (In any kind of real life scenario, someone who controls the weather runs the world, but we’ll save that for another article)
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Top Ten Twilight Zone Twists
(Note: This is a repost of the original.)
10. The Mysterious prisoner is actually the Devil
9. The real monsters…? MANKIND