The Epic of Karnes, or, Something Wicked This Way Comes

The Epic of Karnes, or, Something Wicked This Way Comes


“…Yes, he had slain the Ogres of Tangle’s Deep, yes he had tricked the Warlock King of Hellsbridge Meadows, yes he had climbed the insurmountable peaks of Zordan, but at the moment, he thought to himself, after all his achievements “ I could really take a dump right now. That would totally smooth out this coronation”…

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An Open Letter to Skype

An Open Letter to Skype


Dear Skype:

Attached is an article which references how audio feedback is created, and prevented. Perhaps, and I am just throwing this out there, you guys could read it before you do your next software revision.

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The Large Hadron Collider and Your Certain Doom

The Large Hadron Collider and Your Certain Doom

hadron cthulhu

ConCERNed? Ha! Seriously, Large Hadrons, and the End of the World.

We here at The Correctness are not physicists. OH! Wait- No, I looked around again, and we are not physicists, but what we ARE for certain is correct, and we’d like to offer some advice on your impending doom. So, regarding your horrifying death: When CERN finally fixes the Large Hadron Collider in November, we can guarantee you that the first large hadron collision will set in motion the destruction of all life on earth, most probably by terrifying creatures from dimensions beyond, but possibly, and somewhat optimistically, just from a massive gravitational collapse that will swallow our planet. Let’s explain a bit about the LHC.

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Facebook Solutions for Unwanted Advertising

Facebook Solutions for Unwanted Advertising

Much has been made recently of Facebook allowing advertisers to use your profile image, or other images, to promote their products. We at The Correctness have a simple solution. Why spend hours wading around in your privacy settings? Simply make this image your profile photo, and when the good people at XYZ Inc. want your friends to know you love their product without your consent, you can let them know what kind of customer you are.

Copy and post, if you like.

kitten 2

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How much is too much?

How much is too much?



I can smell your perfume in the exhaust-fume-filled parkade a full 5 minutes after you passed through. You smell like the cosmetics section of Walmart crawled up into, and subsequently died inside of, the corpse of a Giant Anus Beast.

You can’t cover ugly with reek.

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