Things to give a RobbieRobTown
So, when people say they can’t find the right gift for someone, it usually means either they can’t be arsed to put in the effort, or they’re just not thinking. Cuz there’s always something…
Case in point, RobbieRobTown. My wife (katewares) is really, really good at this game. Whenever Xmas rolls around, she always seems to have a brilliant idea for what we can give Uncle Robtown (as he’s known in our home.)
Congrats Tbinns
A quick note to wish everyone a happy new year, and to send Tbinns and Mrs Tbinns our warmest wishes on the arrival of their first child, Baby boy Tbinns. Rest up Tbinnses. The rest of you, click on the Amazon link and buy things so lil’ Tbinns can have shoes and a lightsaber when he grows up. Oh, and the balance within the Correctness shifts towards the breeders.
Thoughts on Star Wars
Check out this article by Javier Grillo-Marxuach over at It’s well written, insightful, and sums up many of my thoughts about Star Wars, and Nerd Culture in general. The growing interest in geek.nerd culture, indeed, it’s mainstreaming through things like “The Big Bang Theory” and the success of superhero films means that things once hidden and inside are now everywhere.
Read more…
Obsessive Babylon 5 viewing
admin_rock here, with a special Correctness article. A while back, we posted an article: 35 reasons to watch Babylon 5. And it is. No question. The comments thread was fun filled and interesting, and one of our regular readers “Keith”, mentioned the following:
“I share the love of the last of the Babylon stations.
My biggest and geekiest pop culture project was completed last month – I viewed/read every canonical B5 thing in chronological order. 113 episodes, 7 movies, 11 books, 6 short stories, 11 comics, 3 unshot episode scripts.
I have yet to find a publisher for the annotated viewing notes.”
This intrigued us (well, me) and Keith was kind enough to send us an excerpt, which we now provide for your reading pleasure.
Lose 50 pounds in a month the Correctness Way!
Weight loss is all the rage, both here on the net and in real life too! With all the processed, sugar rich foods in the world, and the abundance of fast food, it’s no surprise.
A new book by Tim Ferriss, “The Four Hour Body”, claims to show you how to shed all that unwanted fat by doing things like eating after you wake up, putting icepacks on your neck, and taking cold showers. It also will show you how to prevent fat gain while bingeing, how to increase fat-loss 300% with a few bags of ice and how Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time.
Now you can unlock the secrets of the Correctness Weight Loss program!