Classic Vaudeville: Robot and Costello

Costello: Hey, would ya look at that, a terrifying evil robot or something!

Robot: Illogical. does not compute.

Costello: Oh, right. What are you?

Robot: I am.

Costello: You are what? What is your name?

Robot: I am. I exist. I have always been. I search for the creator.

Costello: But what is your name, my robotic friend?

Robot: I do not comprehend “friendship”. You will be eliminated.

Costello: But I just want to know how to refer to you.

Robot: I am.

Costello: You are what?

Robot: No, I am.

Costello: You are?

Robot: Silence your noise hole, biological infestation. My mode of address is irrelevant. I am.

Costello: Your name is “ I am”? Or your name is “what”?


(Costello is vaporized)

Author: RobbieRobTown

RobbieRobTown garners amusement like Jennifer Garner garners garn. What? You said it, you make sense of it. No, YOU said it.

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