A Correctness Correction
Please Note: H1 N1 is not an astromech droid from Star Wars. It is in fact a potentially fatal virus, also known as swine flu. It is subsequently a lot less cool than we first thought. We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused with our previous endorsement.
The Correctness Explains
The Correctness has been receiving a fair amount of e-mail looking for clarifications and understand about plot points in famous films. We, as always, are correct, and aim to spread understanding in these cases. Let us begin.
Dear Correctness,
Was the gun that Edward Norton’s character uses at the end of Fight Club real, or was it imaginary like Tyler Durden?
Jim in Brooklyn
25 Things Wrong with The Star Wars Universe
You know, everyone here at the Correctness loves Star Wars. We really really do. But like the Father who is hardest on his most beloved child (at least that’s what my Mom said) we feel the need to share a few….shortcomings. What gives us the right to nitpick? Thousands of dollars we have spent on toys books, re releases, format changes, model kits etc. We aren’t saying George Lucas OWES us anything. But if you spent thousands on ANY product,and lets not kid ourselves, it is PRODUCT at this point, I feel you have the right, once you have purchased said product, to air a few Grievouses. (See what I did there?)
Why you should skip the new Harry Potter movie.
Because you’re a grown up, and it’s based on a book for 12 year olds. (See also “Transformers”, “Twilight”, and “The DaVinci Code”)
The Lonesome Death of Joe Alderaan
There was nothing particularly strange about this Thursday morning as Joe Alderaan, a chartered accountant from Newark, downed the last of his coffee and headed out the door to work. At least, not until he got outside, and found a giant mettalic orb filling the sky. Ironically the last thing that went through his mind was