Open Letter to the Snorg Tee Girls
Oh Snorg Tee Girls!
Your enthusiasm for casual wear is matched only by your “gee whiz girl next door aww shucks” cuteness.
Guys in Tights and Fark Green Lights
A Correctness State of the Union
First, a bit of history.
About a year and a half ago, after some social function or another (I believe it may well have been an evening of Settlers of Catan) just as the man/boy who would become known as Robbie Robtown was heading out my front door, I said to him…
“Hey, we should start an online humor magazine.”
The Lonely Life of End Table Bob
Bob had spent most of his adult life trying to convince his friends, family and even total strangers that he was not an end table.
“It’s the Story of…”
It’s fun, it’s easy! Annoy your friends, amaze your enemies!
It’s the Correctness Movie Pitch Mash up Game!